Cornerstone Children!

Cornerstone Children!
Some of the children at Cornerstone, enjoying a few laughs with me

Thursday, June 28, 2012

My mom and I are heading back to Uganda in a few weeks, July 12th to be exact.  Yahoo!  It will be so good to see everyone at Cornerstone again!  I have missed the children, and especially Moses, during these last 8 months in the States.  Nobody except Pastor Rogers knows I'm coming back with my mom, so it will be fun to surprise everyone on arrival :)

When I go back this time, I get to work regularly with Moses (again).  Moses needs individual help with his speech this time around, so I get to do that with him.  I will also be helping in the bakery, teaching Sunday School, and doing whatever else needs to be done at Cornerstone.

Thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers as this next stage in my journey begins.  I look forward to seeing what God will do in the next six months.  It's so nice to hear from friends at home when I'm overseas, so feel free to write me and tell me what's going on in your life, too!